High Performance Workplace

Collection of leading technologies for process automation, information work and collaboration.

Genis has enabled Slovenian public administration to seize productivity and the quality of work and for the reduction of administrative burdens upon accepting applications for ID cards.

Main functionalities

Fastest work

Genis HPW improves business processes at the starting point.


Information improvement

HPW enhances the execution of high valued tasks. Self-service information contributes to aditional time savings for quality decisions and intellectual work.


Reduction of organization burdens

HPW ensures the deployment of efficient electronic business for organizations from both the private and public sector .


Improving application acceptance

In Genis HPW solution for Slovenian public administration, an application is recorded only in the identity card register.



An important module of the HPW is the e-Photographer solution for photographers.



HPW includes an Integrated communication system with instant messaging, Web 2.0 services, electronic document management system and IP-telephony which strengthen the power of collaboration in project teams and departments.

High Performance Workplace

Comprehensive solution

Genis HPW improves business processes or working procedures at the starting point. It enables immediate data collection for forms and files from electronic cards, personal identification documents and bar code and biometric data. Users can access over web client to data or information from other resources such as business applications, software services, e-mail or public registers over SOA interoperability services. Interoperable integration of heterogeneous and disperse data resources enables process automation and the establishment of interactive services G2G, G2C and G2B

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